

These photos are moments when I found myself thinking about death, about folks I’d known who were gone, or leaving.

I was not afraid. It was not distressing. There was no discomfort. No darkness.

I felt alive and loved. There were colors and lights. And my eyesight broad and far.

A week ago, I met a friend for lunch. He’d lost his cousin the day before. The grief was tremendous. By the end of our lunch, he said, as a sort of conclusion: Well, we should take our time to live instead of thinking over the other side of the story.

I didn’t find the right words to answer him. I know I’ve been dealing with goodbyes since forever.

The question hit me later: what if it’s not the other side of the story, but a full part of it?

If we couldn’t live with death, how could we live?


I see you standing on the other side
I don’t know how the river got so wide
I loved you baby, way back when
And all the bridges are burning that we might have crossed
But I feel so close to everything that we lost
We’ll never, we’ll never have to lose it again

Now I bid you farewell, I don’t know when I’ll be back
They’re moving us tomorrow to that tower down the track
But you’ll be hearing from me baby, long after I’m gone
I’ll be speaking to you sweetly from a window in the Tower of Song

– Tower of Song, Leonard Cohen


T H E   N I G H T   O F   S A N T I A G O

We crossed the border at Rio Don Guillermo, 

and left behind us the Argentinian Patagonia.

Images broke into pieces of shadow and glow, 

suddenly spreading out down the mountain road,

into the infinity grassland.


And soon, there’s sand in every kiss
And soon, the dawn is ready
And soon, the night surrenders
To a daffodil machete

The night of Santiago, Leonard Cohen


S O L I T U D E   P E U P L É E


Dearly dead; Queen of Solitude
I thank you with my heart
for keeping me so close to thee
while so many, oh so many, stood apart

And the light came from her body
And the night went through her grace
All summer long she touched me
I knew her, I knew her
Face to face

– Our lady of solitude, Leonard Cohen



When I was a child, I never heard a lullaby. 

I was lying down on the daybed made in bamboo, in the middle of an ancient courtyard. Night after night, all seemed eternally quiet.

Grandma was old, stars were close, and moutains green.

Sleep baby sleep
The day's on the run
There's a morning to come
The wind in the trees
They're talking in tongues

Dear Leonard, after years of synthesizers, you’re back on your guitar: what a pleasure.

Tonight I’ll sleep just well.