
T H A N K S   F O R   T H E   D A N C E
( 2 0 1 6 )

At the beginning of 2016, a whole new life was in front of me.

The future seemed promising and the love blessed. The lengendary sunshine and the endless coastline would stand forever. That incomparably majestic blue would never fade. Yet, there was something missing. There were questions.

I started to take pictures with my phone. Traveled a lot alone. And I was expecting the new works of Leonard Cohen. A poetry book and an album, even an unbelievable tour? Sounded like a great year. Didn’t know it would be his last one. Thanks for the dance, said he later.

Many things have changed since then. I don’t take pictures any more with my phone, but some of thoses old photos stay among my favorite ones.

Only memories stay majestic. Me too I would like to say: thanks for the dance.

Thanks for the dance
I'm sorry you're tired
The evening has hardly begun
Thanks for the dance
Try to look inspired
One, two, three, one, two, three, one

So turn up the music
Pour out the wine
Stop at the surface
The surface is fine
We don't need to go any deeper

And there's nothing to do
But to wonder if you
Are as hopeless as me
And as decent